maanantai 21. elokuuta 2017

Soundcraft ui24r

Lexicon reverbs and dbx compression help you dial-in great sound quickly. The intuitive browser- based . Tutut ja laadukkaat Lexiconin, dbx: n ja . Uusi ja valmistajan sanoin ”virtaviivaiseksi” viilattu versio Ui-digitaalimikseristä tarjoaa tulokanavaa, legendaarisen Lexiconin ja Digitechin efektoinnin, Dbx:n dynamiikkaprosessoinnin kierronestosuotimien kera, sekä langattoman . Soundcraft Ui24R – digimikseri käy keikalle tai studioon. A new streamlined digital mixer and multi-track recorder offers input channels, legendary Lexicon, dbx and.

FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. In most cases, with a unit like this, there are compromises in both worlds. Tuote on myllätty perusteista lähtien uusiksi eli vanhaa . With built-in, dual-band Wi-Fi, cross-platform compatibility, and the ability to be controlled by any connected device via a standard web browser, the Ui24R offers a . Master Channel XLR outputs.

MEDIA - REC plus Multi-track Play and Record. USB Socket for USB Flash Drive - for multi-track play and record audio. Mixing with the Ui24R is a cinch, even . It is one of a new breed of surface-less digital mixers.

By removing faders, pots and built-in screens from a traditional digital mixer, manufacturers can save huge cost to the end user, . Новинка дополняет собой серию компактных цифровых микшеров Ui и является флагманской моделью с новыми интересными возможностями. От двух предыдущих моделей Uiи Uiновый микшер Ui24R . Shop with confidence on eBay! Order at PMT Online for Free Delivery.

Многофункциональный цифровой микшер. Эта интересная с множества точек зрения модель – флагманский 24-канальный микшер с виртуальной панелью управления. Возможно, именно последняя особенность позволила предложить полноразмерный микшер от именитого.

An impressive attempt to fit virtually all gig production gear into 4RU spaces. The past few years have seen several companies touting integrated digital mixers as solutions for the multi-faceted technical requirements of live performance. Rackmount WiFi mixer with vast live recording options.

Ui24R is a complete mixing system for mobile playing engagements, venues and even project studios, and its live recording features open up a new world of utility for performers whose best work happens in the moment. It features dual-path, multi-track . Inputs, Effekte wie EQ und Kompressor, Amp modeling, kabelloses Ansteuern sind nur einige von vielen! Alles im ultrakompakten, robusten Gehäuse .

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