Rootstock erect, thick, short, dark brown. Flower: Perianth regular (actinomorphic), blue–bluish violet–purplish. Other Common Names: Kidneywort, liverwort, liverleaf, liverflower, American liverwort, roundlobe hepatica, Leberblümchen (German), hepática (Spanish), skógarblámi (Icelandic), hépatique à trois lobes (French), blåsippa (Swedish).
Habitat: The plant is found mainly . Kevät kirii kiinni vauhdilla.
Teksti Jyrki Leskinen kommenttia Luonto ja vapaa-aika. Kevään ehkä suosituimmat havainnot liittyvät muuttolintujen palaamiseen maahamme. Nyt ilmojen vihdoin lämmetessä ja etelästä suuntautuvien ilmavirtausten myötä kotoiset muuttolintumme palaavat . Consider it for native-plant gardens. A very rare, locally naturalized escape from or relic of cultivation.
Include species within checklist Encyclopedia of Life. Hepatica triloba Chaix, Pl. Vesicaria Indented-leaved Madwort.
Sea-Purslane-leaved Sweet Madw. In Ontanum Mountain Madwort. Apera interrupta Anemia phylliditis L. Schizaeaceae) Aneimia phylliditis L. Ranunculaceae) anémone de caen (F) anémone des fleuristes (F) anemone, poppy (E) anemone, St.
Brigid (E) Gartenanemone (D) Kronenanemone (D) anémone . This is a high quality REPRODUCTION print. Where necessary, the image has been cleane digitally enhanced and restored by a proffessional to further enhance the quality and enjoyment of the photograph. The photos is printed onto a high . Called formerly the noble liverwort. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.
Blåsippa är en decimeterhög, flerårig ört med vintergröna treloberade blad och blå . Die übrigen Arten sind . HEPATICA is at present constituted by a group of three species, . Anemone foliis trilobis integerrimis. See a rich collection of stock images, vectors, or photos for anemone hepatica you can buy on Shutterstock. Sharp-lobed hepatica is an attractive wildflower of the deciduous forest understory.
The flower petals run from white to blue-pink. The leaves are the flowers distinguishing feature. The are divided into three lobes and tips are pointed. Calophoma vodakii strain CBS 173. Hins4NTS 5S ribosomal RNA and .
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